10 Golden Rules by a Chartered Accountant on 1 July 2015 CA Day

Friday, June 26, 2015

ChartAcc.com - A CA not only knows about Investments and Financials Statements but the rules of leading a great life too. A Chartered Accountant, on an average, goes through so many experiences of life while dealing with different situations. Hereunder are the ten best and universally applicable golden rules:

1.   Live life full time:
Life is like a guitar; Tune. Play. Repeat. Give your best shot to life. Be passionate about the things you do. Life is like a Guitar. First you need to TUNE yourself, update yourself before you start something new or re-start something old with new style or method. Once you know ABC of it, PLAY it with your best efforts. Give your best shot. Once you achieve your target, take some rest, cherish the moment and then REPEAT.

2.   Never Quit:
They are the victorious who dare not to give up. Never ever dare to give up. “You are the failure not the moment you are defeated, but the moment you give up fighting.” A student having passion for CA may
 fail once or twice or many a times in CA study course but the passion to get up again and appear for next attempt never dies. Because life after becoming CA changes.

3.   Utilise time well:
Time spent for temporary happiness like movie or outing or weekend on a beach is all synthetic; with shelf life of a day or two. Work for your bigger dreams that should last for whole life. Then movie and beach would seem more interesting, realising that you have done something. 
Make a goal and start spending your value time in it. It’s not necessary that you should be earning from your hobby. First nurture your leisure time in the things you love doing or you always wanted to do but never got time. Be it painting or playing guitar or book writing. Once you get a taste of it, you won’t know when you would complete a milestone and you would be addicted to it. You shall cherish that moment.

4.   Define your destiny:
Sometimes.. Life is like a vacuum cleaner. You know what it does. All you need to do is to kick the power plug and take the charge. Never give the charge of your life in the hands of others; you’ll get screwed and people would ... Continued here..

Read the full article here..

Posted by Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma; author of 10 Alone (Novel) and MICS Unleashed’ (Academics).

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